The Advantages of New Window Glass

4 Ways A Frameless Shower Door Will Transform Your Bathroom

If your bathroom looks a bit tired, then you might be looking for ways to make the room more attractive. If you have an old framed shower screen at the moment, then switching to a frameless design will help you give the room a boost. How?

1. Make Your Bathroom Look Lighter

If you currently have a framed shower, then your bathroom might not look as light and airy as it could. The frames on these doors stand out in the room. They affect the flow and spread of incoming light.

A frameless shower door doesn't need a frame. These screens sit on small and unobtrusive fittings. You get a pure glass screening effect.

If you remove your framing, then your bathroom will look lighter and more open. The glass in your screening allows light to flow around the room uninterrupted. The room will look brighter and cleaner.

2. Create the Illusion of Space

If you have a smaller bathroom, then space is at a premium. While switching from a framed to a frameless shower door won't buy you any more actual space, this switch can make a small bathroom look more spacious.

Frames eat into visual space. They look obvious and they break up the room.

If you use a frameless shower door system, then your shower becomes less visible and obtrusive. The clean lines of its unframed glass make it look like your shower takes up less space. Your bathroom will feel more open and roomier.

3. Get a More Modern Look

If you feel that your bathroom looks old-fashioned, then switching shower doors can give it a more modern look. Framed showers can look heavy and outdated.

Frameless doors have clean and modern lines. They look sleek and contemporary. This simple switch could make an old bathroom look fresher.

4. Make Your Bathroom Sparkle

No matter how often you clean your bathroom, it might never look completely clean. Older framed shower doors and screens can attract dirt and limescale deposits around their frames that are hard to remove.

These screens are also more likely to create good mold growth environments. You might have a constant fight on your hands to clean mold spots off your frames and glass.

Frameless glass is a lot easier to clean. It doesn't have any places where dirt and deposits can collect. Mold won't have anywhere to grow. So, your bathroom will have a new sparkle after you clean it.

To find out more about these benefits, contact frameless shower door suppliers.
