The Advantages of New Window Glass

Exposing The Truth: Auto Glass Repair Myths

There are many common myths surrounding the topic of auto glass repairs that many people have simply accepted as fact. However, here is what you really need to know about these auto glass repair myths. 

Myth #1: You Can Stop A Minor Crack From Spreading By Putting Tape On It

What makes this myth so easy to believe is that like many of the most convincing lies, it is somewhat based on fact. While you can help reduce the chances of a minor crack spreading by putting clear tape across it, this is meant to be an extremely temporary solution. To make sure there is no confusion here, temporary refers to hours or possibly a few days, not weeks or months. This temporary fix should only be used to try and prevent additional damage while getting your vehicle to a safe place where the glass can be repaired or replaced.

Myth #2: Auto Glass Repairs Are Expensive

While repairing or replacing your auto glass is going to inevitably cost you more than a trip to your local drive-thru, these repairs do not need to be expensive. In fact, many people will find that these repairs are actually covered by their auto insurance policies. To find out whether or not your repairs will be covered by your insurance company, you can either contact the insurer directly or contact a local glass repair company. In most cases, these repair companies will be happy to reach out to your insurance company for you to see what type of coverage your specific policy offers.

Even in the event that your repairs are not covered by insurance, you will find that the cost of these repairs is much lower than the cost of any medical bills that may result from injuries caused by a shattering windshield, 

Myth #3: You Don't Need To Worry About Minor Damage To Your Windshield

There is simply no such thing as windshield damage that is so minor you don't need to worry about it. This is because even very small cracks will inevitably spread. More importantly, this damage can spread quickly and without any notice. The is especially true when your auto glass experiences fluctuating temperatures or the vibrations that come along with going high speeds or encountering severe weather. By putting off a minor repair, the only thing you are doing is ensuring that a quick and relatively inexpensive repair turns into a full-blown windshield replacement. 

Contact an auto glass repair service for more information. 
